The hype is over. After all those fans who brought tree of savior internationally with the wrong administrator and moderator. Their effort is utterly wasted. Before you pop up a Tree of Savior Steam redeem code, listen to what I’ve got to say about such a lacking game.
Don’t get this article wrong. It is a great game with crappy administrator and moderator.
Steam Account Value – Baseless Article about Tree of Savior: the Chase to Nostalgic
Nostalgic feelings are nostalgic. They feel warm because it happened in the past. Tree of savior created a huge hype because it is said that the game’s developer was the Ragnarok’s developer. People wanted to feel nostalgic again, which is utterly impossible because it happened in the past. The nostalgic feelings that they are looking for does not exist in tree of savior. It exists in Ragnarok alone. It is the reason why tree of savior created such hype which only disappointed people.
Steam Account Value – Baseless Article about Tree of Savior: Close Beta
When the first close beta was announced, it activated people adrenaline and after reading a line in the forums, you might not see it, but their faces were full of disappointment. Only limited players are allowed to access the close beta, which means they are going to randomly distribute beta keys to the users that have registered in the forums.
As expected of a game under development, the game had tons of bugs that you cannot complain because the game is under development. Moreover, the close beta moderators did not even bother raising the experience gain. It was a hard grind for everyone.
Steam Account Value – Baseless Article about Tree of Savior: the Game
If there is no business behind tree of savior, this game would have been the best game of all time. However, it is business that created tree of savior. Therefore, without business tree of savior would not even exist.
Discuss what you think about tree of savior with people with high steam account value in the market of steam account!