You would normally think that people play MMORPG because they want to escape real life. That real life is full of crap that they spend most of their time playing it. In an MMORPG like having an Eve Account, they can be whoever they want to be. They can be total opposite of what they are in real life because again, real life is crap. And with that, they separate real life with MMORPG. Though sometimes it is surprising on how real life becomes better when they lived long enough in the world of MMORPG and I have a great example for you guys.
Eve Account: A Story
So, here I am lurking in Reddit again, looking for interesting topics, I came across a great story by Stoopsy on how real life is significantly connected to the life in MMORPG:
I was just in a car crash about an hour ago with my best friend and we were both almost killed. All the airbags in my car went off thank god and saved our lives. The car who we hit who didn’t see us and we barely saw them rolled and flipped over onto another car across the street, my friend and I tore off the door of the rolled car and helped everyone get out. Everyone walked away with minor injuries thankfully. Two out of the three cars involved including mine were totaled. Some of the first people I told were some of my friends in eve and they were some of The first to respond as well.
Life is crazy and I just wanted to thank everyone I’ve met and haven’t met in eve for creating such a unique community of loving and caring people who still can shoot each other and blow each other up and laugh about it later. Some of my greatest memories have come from eve over the years and that’s because of the people who I have been playing alongside and against.
I love you all and just want to remind you to drive safe and pay attention towards the road and everything around you.
Fly safe and drive safe
Imagine someone who has no friends in real life but belong to an alliance in Eve and the same fate to Stoopsy, it would be a bigger impact to him. So, we can never say that life in MMORPG is different and separate from real life, because who knows, maybe your true friends in life are the ones who have Eve Accounts who you play with.