TF2 Market

TF2 Trading: Good Story Pt. 3

Last time I shared with you the second part of a very nice story. Here is the third part for you guys to enjoy as Team Fortress 2 fans and active TF2 trading players.

TF2 Trading: Continuation

This is the third part of the (true) story of LoopsCode in Reddit:

Fast forward a few more months, the team sort of disbanded because we all had real life responsibilities to attend to (although no worries, we all shoot the shit on our Slack channel on a daily basis). I was talking to Messiah how I was graduating soon in June 2016, and whether he has any tips for me for job search.

Little did I know, Messiah, who I absolutely admire because he is also the main dev of a Steam based website, works in a company in Silicon Valley. I was absolutely flabbergasted. Recall, I’ve known him for around a year and a half by now, and this is the first time I knew about this. He keeps it very low key, a hint to his character. He asked me if I was interested in his company, which is conveniently located in the center of Silicon Valley.

Am I interested? Am I?? My life long dream has been to work in Silicon Valley. I think interested was an understatement. I was more like – fuck yes I am!

I honestly tried to apply for internships in this area all five years of my college career, with no luck each time. Being able to begin my career in the Valley would actually fulfill a long-time dream of mine.

Messiah put in a good word for me to the CEO of the company knowing what I did with the UGC Roster Verifier tool (and our fun technical discussions on coding and tech in Slack/Mumble), and I scheduled my first call with them.

One call led to another technical call. Then a third culture call. Then finally, I was invited to their office in the Valley for a full day of on-site interviews. I flew over from the East coast; everything was paid for. Was I nervous? Goddamn I was. At this point, I was rejected by a few companies already, and morale was at a new low.

TF2 Trading, TF2 Items, TF2, Team Fortress 2

Whoa, what happens next? Stay put for the next part as we continue on with his story! It’s as if winning a lottery of great TF2 Items.

TF2 Market: Change of Scenery

It’s all bad news about Team Fortress 2 recently and these days have been no better either. No, let us not blame Blizzard with Overwatch. If there’s one we can point a finger to is to Valve and how they mishandled Team Fortress 2 in many different ways. With the overflowing news of all things bad for TF2, let us divert our attention to a good story that might never have happened if not for Team Fortress 2. Surely, this cannot be seen in the TF2 Market, so read on.

TF2 Market: Good Story

This is a post by LoopsCode in TF2 Reddit. I am merely sharing it to you guys!

This is a story on how TF2 got me a job in Silicon Valley, the place of my dreams to begin my career as a fresh new computer engineering grad.

This story started two years ago, when I was invited to sub as a Soldier in a UGC Silver Highlander team from a friend, his name Borat, I met in TF2Center. We played a few games while we chatted in Mumble, and in the first few games, we clicked pretty well. A few days later, this friend asked if I was interested in joining their team full-time as their main soldier for the upcoming season. I first hesitated, but eventually agreed because I thought the dudes were all very swell.

Fast forward a few months, we were deep into the weekly games. Our team didn’t have the best DM, or the best players, or even the best strats, but gosh darn, we had team work and good vibes. The group of guys were just great people that encouraged each other when things went south, and in general, made the sometimes-toxic UGC environment tolerable, and even fun!

Speaking of toxicity, this is how the story really started.

 TF2 Market, Trade TF2, TF2, Team Fortress 2

To be continued…

LOL. Look forward for the continuation everyone! Don’t trade TF2 yet!

TF2 Market: Team Composition

Now that there is a competitive mode in Team Fortress 2, the game’s play or meta changes. Team Fortress 2 was more of a casual game but now that competitive mode is one of the game’s mode, players should be more aware on how to cope with other players thus the importance of team composition. There were games that our team had no medic in them and caused the loss because noon was healing damaged teammate and it was frustrating. I was so frustrated that a cheap guy like me looked into the TF2 market and thought of buying something to relieve the stress. What more in a more serious mode in competitive mode. That’s why I am here to share with you guys on how to setup an optimal team by having a great team composition.

TF2 Market: According to Wiki

So I looked up for some write-ups on the proper team composition on competitive Team Fortress 2, because honestly I haven’t set foot in the mode in fear of getting frustrated again. Good thing TF2 Wiki provided some info on team composition:

The standard competitive lineup is made up of the following team composition:

  • Medic
  • Demoman
  • Pocket, usually a Soldier
  • Roamer, also usually a Soldier
  • Utilities, usually both Scouts

The Medic and Demoman almost never change classes within a game. Depending on the map, either or both utilities might spend more time as other classes, especially on asymmetrical maps like Gravel Pit or Badwater. Soldiers most commonly remain Soldiers throughout the entire game, though the pocket sometimes switches to a Heavy, and other switches are not unheard of.

The combination of the Medic and at least one of his partners (generally a Soldier and a Demoman) is referred to as “The Combo”. The Combo will usually receive the Medic’s Übercharge, and represents a team’s location in a map. The Roamer and Situational classes will move around and look to gain picks, back-cap, or force the enemy medic to deploy an Übercharge to save himself.

TF2 Market, Trade TF2, TF2, Team Fortress 2

Trade TF2 for another game isn’t a good idea now since the addition of fresh content / new modes.

We will go further on this topic on my next article. Do you think this is the right team composition in the game? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.


TF2 Market: Uh Oh

Bad news for Team Fortress 2 as their strongest competitor, Overwatch, has released trailers and news on a new character in the game and balances / fixes as well. As Team Fortress 2 just released their competitive mode and new quick match mode, Overwatch coincidentally (I would like to think) has new content. This will for sure affect the TF2 Market again.

TF2 Market in Danger Again

TF2 Market, Trade TF2, TF2, Team Fortress 2


New Hero: Ana (Support)
After being out of the fight for several years, one of Overwatch’s founding members is returning. Introducing Ana—a battle-scarred veteran who supports her teammates from a distance using a unique and highly specialized collection of weapons.

Ana’s primary weapon is her Biotic Rifle, which fires long-range darts that can restore the health of her allies or deal ongoing damage to her enemies. Meanwhile, her Biotic Grenade is perfect for a close-quarters clash, simultaneously healing teammates and injuring foes caught in its small area of effect. (Affected allies will also receive a temporary increase to all incoming healing, while affected enemies can’t be healed for a few moments.) And if the battle starts to get out of hand, Ana’s sidearm can fire a Sleep Dart, knocking her adversaries unconscious.

Plus, Ana’s ultimate ability, Nano Boost, empowers one of her teammates, granting faster movement, increased damage, and resistance to enemy attacks.

To learn more about Ana, click here.



  • If a match goes into Overtime for more than 20 seconds, the fuse will now start to “burn down” more quickly
  • Players now respawn more slowly during Overtime (increased spawn time by 2 seconds)


Competitive Play

  • Competitive Play matches can now only have one of each hero per team. For more info, click here.



  • Added Ana as an AI-controlled hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes
  • Timing on Zenyatta’s Rapid Discord achievement is more lenient
  • Targeted teammates now respond by saying “I’m with you,” when players use the “Group Up” communication
  • Renamed five sprays to avoid duplicate titles

You might say that this doesn’t concern Team Fortress 2. Absolutely the opposite. This greatly affects Team Fortress 2 because it fuels again the hype train in Overwatch. People will trade TF2 again for Overwatch because of this new character and changes. Hopefully this wouldn’t though because I have love for both games.


TF2 Market: Do You Know This Already?

We all have that favorite role in Team Fortress 2. We prefer this certain class more than the other classes in the game because we are so comfortable playing with that role therefore we perform best. I assume that most Team Fortress 2 players don’t know the every detail of the changes in the new big update for their classes like they do not know the trend in the TF2 Market. Do not worry, we will cover them here!


TF2 Market: Class Changes for Scout, Soldier and Sniper

With the help of a good Samaritan in Reddit, we got the changes for Scout, Soldier and Sniper. We will cover the rest of the lineup on the next write-up.

TF2 Market, Trade TF2



Added Marked-for-Death debuff for 2 seconds after the buff effect expires

The Soda Popper

Added “On hit: build Hype”

Removed “build hype by running around”


Added an Alt-fire attack — reach out and shove someone!

Removed +healing bonus

Reduced pushback vuln to +20% (from +40%)

Sun on a stick

Take 25% less damage from fire while deployed


The Righteous Bison

Fixed a bug causing players to be hit by the same projectile multiple times, causing the damage dealt to vary wildly

Per-shot damage has been increased to compensate, resulting in slightly more damage on average

Point-blank deals 54 damage (previously 20-80)

Maximum range deals 24 damage (previously 14-56)

Slowed projectile by 30%

Projectile damage reduced by 25% for each enemy penetrated

Updated projectile impact sound

The Disciplinary Action

Reduced duration of speed bonus on teammates to 2 seconds (from 3)

The Rocket Jumper

Updated model/materials and sound


Cozy Camper

Now requires a full charge to gain flinch resistance

The Sydney Sleeper

When fully charged, or when making a headshot, now applies Jarate in a radius

Scoped shots now extinguish teammates

The Cleaner’s Carbine

Removed hidden +10% damage taken multiplier while under the effects

The thought to trade TF2 for another game shouldn’t cross your mind because these changes brings a new excitement to the game. Look forward for the rest of the changes in my next post!

TF2 Market: Pyro In Us

On one of my articles, I said that Overwatch did a great job in creating characters with their own personalities and characteristics. Team Fortress 2 actually was kind of the first who did it in an FPS MMO setting. The different classes have different attitudes, mannerisms, etc. thus made them attractive in their genre which became a great TF2 Market.

TF2 Market: Great Analysis

There’s a fresh post in Reddit that is a great analysis on how we are all relatable to the TF2 characters especially the Pyro:

In Team Fortress 2, the nine classes are distinct characters, all with unique personalities and features. However, one of them is an exception: the Pyro. The Pyro wears a full-body suit that masks their every feature and muffles their voice. The only character trait we’re given is that the Pyro sees a very different world than we do. Instead of the violence, murder, and insanity, they see a world of rainbows, candy, and little cherubs. There’s no death in Pyroland, only happiness.

Furthermore, the Pyrovision Goggles item show that Pyroland might not be the product of insanity, but a half-virtual reality that transforms everything they see into something out of a children’s cartoon.

That’s because the Pyro represents the players.

Think about it. As players, we’re murdering people. We think it’s okay because they’re not real, because no one actually dies, but that still doesn’t change the fact that we’re virtually killing people for fun. It’s not a life-or-death battle to us, just something that we all share and enjoy. Not only that, but we even laugh at it; the comics and videos make death and brutality funny. We laugh at these grizzled mercenaries because they accidentally killed themselves, or had a fatal accident.

Furthermore, the Pyro was shown to be a very successful businessman, but would much rather be fighting, and lose himself in Pyroland. Just like how we can be successful in real life, but prefer to lose ourselves in video games filled with death and carnage.

TL;DR: The Pyro is an insane maniac because they represent us players. When we play Team Fortress 2, we’re not seeing it as it is, a horrific unending tale of violence and death, but a fun game to play. We enjoy the game, and we laugh at the comics and videos, all the while ignoring the fact that we’re enjoying virtual murder.

TF2 Market, Trade TF2

Pretty deep and relatable, right? This is one reason I won’t easily trade TF2 for any game (Overwatch is a complete exemption though, lol) because we can get deep stuff like this aside from enjoying the game.

Tf2 trading – Kinds of Shooters

Tf2 trading is on the brink of extinction so as the tf2 market.

The hyped game right now – overwatch, probably came from the concept of team fortress. Team fortress has these basic characters like tank, damage, sniper, support characters. In overwatch, we can see similar characters too: tank, snipers, damage, and support. The only difference is, overwatch has different versions of these characters. Take for example mercy and lucio, these folks are both healers but works differently. On the other hand, in team fortress, the only support character is the medic. With massive pool of characters, it makes overwatch more complex than team fortress.

Team fortress, battleborne and overwatch created a new kind of first person shooter. Counter strike is classic and it is way too different than overwatch, although, it falls in the same genre. It is like the different kinds of monkeys. There are gorillas; there are baboons. They are different, but still falls in the same category of monkeys.

Tf2 trading – Battle Arena

Not sure what to call the genre of the likes of team fortress 2 and overwatch, for the time being let’s call it ‘battle arena.’

Battle arena is a kind of first person shooter where there are character classes. And it is centered in objectives not kills.

Unlike the classic first person shooters, the players re-spawn constantly which make this genre more addictive because you don’t have to wait.



Counter strike is classic. A game is composed of rounds. Each round players are only given with one life with 100 HP, lose it and you have to wait until the next round.

Classic first person shooters barely focus on the objective or more like they utilize objective to get kills.


Another kind of first person shooter is the likes of battlefield. The goal is to capture bases. Moreover, players can ride things like tank and humvee.

How Overwatch Won the TF2 Market

Again, like what I said in my last article, it is really against my will to compare Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch. They both only deserve love because how good they are, in their own rights. Sad to say, they share a demographic, the First Person Shooter players. If it is humanly possible to play two games at a same time, I would have with Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch. Since I am really swept by the Overwatch hype train, I am off the TF2 market. You might ask why I switched to Overwatch? Find out here!

TF2 Market, One Reason to Say Goodbye

Overwatch is better in so many ways than Team Fortress 2. Again, what I am saying is they are both good but Overwatch has and is just satisfying me more. I never and will never say Team Fortress 2 is bad.

TF2 Market

First and foremost, Overwatch has greater graphics. Yeah, I know. Graphics is not the basis of a better game and Team Fortress 2 is way older than Overwatch, obviously. Still, without any release of Team Fortress 3, Team Fortress 2 should have been updated on its graphics if it still wants to compete to the new first person shooters coming out right now e.g. Overwatch. With the lack of effort from Valve, maybe expecting Team Fortress 2 players to exercise their loyalty to the game, they didn’t update Team Fortress 2’s graphics. Maybe it is because it will affect the game or that is how TF2 and don’t need to change it? Whatever reason Valve may have, Overwatch still has a better graphics than Team Fortress 2. So should be expected from Blizzard. One is that they have insane technology on animated shorts, cut scenes. Glad they have applied it in the game itself not like that grandpa MMORPG they became famous for *ehem WoW* where they have a hard time updating the in-game graphics while the cinematics and scenes are just insanely lifelike.

There are many more things Overwatch overpowered Team Fortress 2 in my head so please do stay tune for those. Trade TF2 for Overwatch obviously for me.

TF2 Market in Trouble

It would be the nth time already if I say it again, Team Fortress 2 is just waiting for its funeral. I am not wishing for it, do not get me wrong. No one wants a great game to die, right? But due to TF2 being so old (FPS games get old fast, in my opinion) and nothing new is coming out from Valve (*ehem* Team Fortress 3), this will greatly affect the TF2 Market.


We know that Team Fortress 2 is becoming stale. Well, it has become stale to non-loyal players of the game thus they are in search of a new first person shooting game. Their search is over though and Valve should be shaking their heads right now because of this new game that just came out. I am pretty sure you heard of the new first person shooter / MOBA from Blizzard. Yes, it is Overwatch. I am not surprised you know, of course. I got in the hype train as well! You did too? Again, I am not surprised.

TF2 Market


With the past domination of Team Fortress 2 in the first person shooter market and it not releasing any new stuff to make its run longer, Blizzard took that opportunity and created Overwatch. But there are CS:GO, CoD and the likes? In my honest opinion, those other first person shooters don’t really matter. They are too weak of a competitor in the market and too boring. So yeah, they do not count. Going back to Overwatch, have you seen the hype about the game before and after the release date?! I did see, hear and actually feel the hype! If Valve did not waste the opportunity, they could have gotten the hype and sales of Overwatch for themselves. But no, they let another company take over the market and now they are in trouble. If it is possible. I will my trade TF2 copy for a another copy of Overwatch so I can share it to a friend who can play with me this awesome of a game!