Life is Strange is a five-part episodic graphic adventure video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix, available on Steam for Steam account users. It sets out to revolutionize story-based choices and consequences games like The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. Find out if the game is worth playing in the article below!
Play as Max Caulfield on your Steam Account
Enter Max Caulfield, a shy and awkward photography student attending art school in her old hometown. The game starts when Max seemingly wakes up – or snaps back into reality – from a “dream” during her Photography class. Life for Max turns a dramatic, strange turn when she witnesses a tough-talking punk girl shot to death in the school bathroom. Turns out this girl is actually her childhood friend, Chloe. Max spontaneously develops time-rewind powers shortly after, and helps Chloe escape unharmed for the second time.
Time Travel and Decision-Making for Steam Account Users
Time travel is the central focus of Life is Strange’s gameplay, letting you reverse time to test out different responses to the simplest to the toughest of decisions, or sneak into a locked room and then rewind to erase any evidence of your intrusion. It’s a simple idea that’s easy to grasp and fun to experiment with, with results ranging from to horrifying. In terms of how much your decisions mean in the end, Life is Strange falls somewhere between The Walking Dead and Dragon Age, such that your choices do have a major impact on events that happen throughout the game and are mentioned later on, but the final decision happens the way it does no matter what decisions you’ve made. Only the framing and the conversations around your decisions change. When you’re not time-turning, you generally interact with different objects in the environment and have conversations with different people to get the full story behind Arcadia Bay.
Final Thoughts for Steam Account Users
Teenagers can connect to Max and relate so much to this game. Being a teenager is rough – you’re experiencing a lot of things for the first time, some of them crappy, and some make you feel like you’re only good at screwing up. Life is Strange tries to bottle that turmoil and self-discovery within the school-days drama where a teenage girl suddenly develops time-reversal powers and struggles to use them responsibly.
Life is Strange suffers from a few problems itself – taking on too much and not knowing how to deal with it, coming to a rather predictable conclusion that lets the rest of the season down. Still, between a sweet friendship, a vibrant world, time-manipulating gameplay that works well throughout, and emotional moments that latch onto your heartstrings and tear you apart inside, it’s clear that there’s something special about Life is Strange.
What do you think, gamers? Will you get the game and increase your Steam account value? Let us know what you think!