trade tf2

TF2 Market in Trouble

It would be the nth time already if I say it again, Team Fortress 2 is just waiting for its funeral. I am not wishing for it, do not get me wrong. No one wants a great game to die, right? But due to TF2 being so old (FPS games get old fast, in my opinion) and nothing new is coming out from Valve (*ehem* Team Fortress 3), this will greatly affect the TF2 Market.


We know that Team Fortress 2 is becoming stale. Well, it has become stale to non-loyal players of the game thus they are in search of a new first person shooting game. Their search is over though and Valve should be shaking their heads right now because of this new game that just came out. I am pretty sure you heard of the new first person shooter / MOBA from Blizzard. Yes, it is Overwatch. I am not surprised you know, of course. I got in the hype train as well! You did too? Again, I am not surprised.

TF2 Market


With the past domination of Team Fortress 2 in the first person shooter market and it not releasing any new stuff to make its run longer, Blizzard took that opportunity and created Overwatch. But there are CS:GO, CoD and the likes? In my honest opinion, those other first person shooters don’t really matter. They are too weak of a competitor in the market and too boring. So yeah, they do not count. Going back to Overwatch, have you seen the hype about the game before and after the release date?! I did see, hear and actually feel the hype! If Valve did not waste the opportunity, they could have gotten the hype and sales of Overwatch for themselves. But no, they let another company take over the market and now they are in trouble. If it is possible. I will my trade TF2 copy for a another copy of Overwatch so I can share it to a friend who can play with me this awesome of a game!