
CSGO market – Shotgun Spotlight

csgo market, only few people sell shotgun’s cs go skins.

Shotgun is the saddest gun in counter strike series. They are rarely used, and when someone uses them, they don’t know how.

Counter strike is a game where every gun is disregarded except the Ak-47 and M4. They are the only guns in CSGO.

Why are shotguns not that popular in counter strike? Basically, it has something to do with the overall gameplay and scenario construction of counter strike, making shotguns very situational.

CSGO market – Accuracy

This is just a theory: probably, shotgun is a gun for people who can’t aim properly. It is a foolproof gun. Wherein, if the enemy’s proximity is high, shotgun can still hit because shotgun fires spread bullets. If the enemy is close, the user can easily aim. If it still didn’t hit, mate it is not foolproof at all.

In counter strike’s scenario, there are only few spots where shotguns would work efficiently.

It is not a reliable weapon in terms of range.

Skill Based

Why use shotgun if you can aim really good using AK-47 or M4? In the real world, shotgun might be the most efficient weapon because people don’t know how to use guns. However, in a game everybody knows how to use guns, although there are some shotguns in counter strike that is really good when used by the right hands.

We can see some professional players using shotgun in competitive tournaments as the map sometimes suggest that using shotgun would be effective.


Shotguns have these long delays upon shooting, although there are automatic shotguns, the reload time is just ridiculous.

Granted, in close combat nothing can beat shotgun as it will instantly pop any body’s health. However, how often can this happen, probably, 1 out of 5 situations? Or even worse