
Top 15 Steam Codes By Player Count

Bored with your tired old games on Steam or other platforms? Or maybe you’re just looking for a ton more players that are active on specific games on Steam? Well, if you are looking to buy Steam games that are out of your regular genres, it may be wise to take a look at the top Steam games that are being played for the past 30 days. It’s always a good thing to look at the trends now and then to be able to look for those specific Steam codes you may want to buy and try out for yourself. Even if you are not a fan of the genre of a specific Steam redeem code, you may find it worthwhile to play with tons of other players that aren’t normally present in single player games or lesser popular multiplayer games.

The Top 15 Steam Codes to Watch Out For

Name Current Players Last 30 Days Peak Players Hours Played
1. Dota 2 564,942  1,084,198 447,215,567
2. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 180,250  636,056 256,314,399
3. Team Fortress 2 38,919  72,643 38,454,926
4. Grand Theft Auto V 33,589  71,778 32,700,360
5. Sid Meier’s Civilization V 32,082  73,683 31,346,320
6. Starbound 29,745  62,201 6,997,268
7. Garry’s Mod 28,395  59,522 28,036,053
8. ARK: Survival Evolved 26,606  69,764 28,161,143
9. Unturned 20,133  38,395 20,575,408
10. Warframe 19,390  61,417 20,510,907
11. Rust 19,124  64,555 22,478,100
12. Rocket League 19,038  58,676 21,526,516
13. Fallout 4 18,747  41,541 17,427,183
14. Football Manager 2016 18,620  68,505 27,594,070
15. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 16,870  49,134


No matter what you do, you can’t ever unseat the undisputed awesomeness that Skyrim maintains to this very day. Not only has it aged so damned well since its release in 2013, but it stays fresh due to the extremely active modding community that continuously works to improve the game in various ways. If you haven’t gotten Steam codes for Skyrim yet, then I suggest that’s the first one you go for on this list.

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Apart from its contemporary in Fallout 4, all other games on the list are the more popular multiplayer Steam games that have either strong e-sports roots or those that are still attempting to be legit e-sports like Rocket League and Ark. These multiplayer Steam games are a mix of things that will certainly interest different kinds of people, but it is clear that Dota 2 still reigns supreme and is in no way going to be unseated from its throne any time soon. If Mobas aren’t your thing and you seem to have an allergy for CS:GO, a multiplayer Steam codes game you could possibly try is Rust, Ark, and Warframe. These are all great games on their own and you shouldn’t miss out on them.

Steam Keys Esports: State of Overwatch Pro Scene

The video above contains a few criticisms on the Overwatch pro scene. With Overwatch being hugely successful as of late and its momentum has showed no signs of stopping yet, as well as it getting better and better with each timely patch, folks wonder how it will fair as an e-sport.

It’s plenty obvious that the game, at its very core, is highly competitive and highly rewarding. It’s got great gameplay mechanics, superb characters in both playability and uniqueness, and it’s got some of the most interesting ideas ever to be introduced in a team-based FPS.

But that doesn’t mean jack-squat if it can’t hold up against the modern e-sports greats like Dota or CS:GO. The biggest fear folks have here is the watchability of it. In other words, if it can be a spectator sport or not. You’ll find all the arguments in the video above, so I’m just going to focus on my counter arguments instead. Or you could just go judge it for yourself even if you don’t have any Steam redeem code of it.

Steam Keys: Getting it Out of the Way

To cut it short, I completely disagree with the video about the current state of Overwatch pro gaming; Overwatch is a fine spectator sport. But, frankly, aside from the level of pro players right now really not being up to par with Envyus, it’s the cameraman that has the real responsibility for it. I’ve seen a ton of matches where the guy controlling the camera simply knew where, when, and who to focus on at key moments of a clash. That makes all the difference in the world and you can easily bypass the hundred other things happening on screen so long as the cameraman knows what to do and what to focus on, either by getting into the perspective of a player or going for a bird’s eye view.

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I’ve also seen a lot of the opposite where the cameraman had apparently no freaking idea what to do. I see a Roadhog ult about to quad environmental kill from a pivotal situation and then, suddenly, camera tracks some Reaper coming back to the fight from the spawn room. Quality camerawork at its finest.

There really isn’t any other issue with its watchability other than that. The pro teams will, eventually, get good enough to take down Envyus and we’ll see a more balanced assortment of teams in the competitive meta without a single team dominating everybody. For now, it’s still pretty amazing and I suggest you all try and watch Overwatch pro games, Steam keys or not, and judge for yourself with an open mind.

Dead by Daylight Review Part 1 – Steam Codes Spotlight

The 80’s horror thematic has been relatively untouched in recent years save for a few games like Until Dawn on consoles. While it’s an amazing game, it, sadly, has no Steam codes to speak of, so we connoisseurs of this relatively campy genre had to wait for a good long while. And, who would have thought that we’d be getting two of these at the same time? While Friday the 13th is backed by a gloriously powerful IP, Dead by Daylight is no slouch at all with a very unique multiplayer experience that still retains the essence of dread and terror we felt from those very same 80’s movies.

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Steam Codes: Dead by Daylight in a Nutshell

The game, at its core, is very simple: It’s essentially Evolve in reverse. A player controlled serial killer hunts down 4 other players who take on the role of prey and/or victims as the latter attempt to outmaneuver, outwit, and escape the former. In a map, there are basically five generators that the teens must activate in order to open up the exit doors, enabling them to claim victory over the serial killer. But this does take a lot of time and skill, as well as taking on the numerous quick time events that come along with starting a generator. Failing to do a couple of QTEs will blow a fuse in the generator, making it even more difficult for survivors to escape. In fact, this even alerts the serial killer player to their location and can make it much more impossible to start said generators in peace.

What about the serial killer? Well, all he has to do is, uh, kill them. It’s a wee bit more complicated than it sounds because the players that play the killer have their own mechanics and rules to follow, as if they were playing a different game all entirely. In true 80’s horror fashion, the killer is, of course, unkillable, and has the odd ability to chase down healthy survivors with ease despite the essentially permanent dread walk from the likes of Jason and other noteworthy antagonists. However, just like Jason and other antagonists, killers have a lot of trouble navigating small and narrow spaces like windows, corridors, and is easily stopped by simple, makeshift blockages in paths. Killers also have to play in the first person, unlike the prey who play in third person, giving the former a narrower field of view. Killing a survivor isn’t as simple as lopping off their heads, but killers must rely on a “bleed out” mechanic in order to fully eliminate a player. They can either wait for it where they struck down the survivor or hang them by a meat hook in your “safe” space, but will essentially have to wait it out. They can be rescued at any point if they’re not too careful, putting them back into the game.

It makes for tense games, with on-the-fly decision making and rounds filled with do-or-die moments, each of which gives every game a climactic feel: you either escape or you get horribly killed. There’s an astonishing feeling of dread when you’re being hunted: the killer projects a blood red vision cone showing where they’re looking, and seeing that creep up on you – as well as hearing the the chase theme that suddenly begins to intensify as they get closer – is creepy and unnerving. Willing to purchase the Steam codes or not, Just seeing the killer is enough to spook even experienced players: they move quickly, but are animated as to appear to be doing the Michael Myers walk, looming not running, and their sheer size projects an air of hideous inevitability should you be caught. Bit by bit, this is looking great to get a Steam redeem code for it, isn’t it?

Continued in the next part.


Dead by Daylight Review Part 2 – Redeem Code Spotlight

Continued from Dead by Daylight Review Part 1 – Steam Codes Spotlight

At its very core, Dead by Daylight is scary as scary can be. With randomly generated maps, teams will be using the environment to their advantage as killers will bypass them completely though their menacing looms and larger-than-life unpredictability. It’s a series of fear-driven encounters that have both sides running frantically to outwit each other. While it’s a great game, this sort of gameplay is weak against developing metas, as with most competitive games. Well, just think about it; you’re playing as a lone killer against a team of well coordinated survivors – you are definitely going to lose.

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Right now, the survivors definitely have the greater advantage over the killers. Though, one could also say that killers are underpowered instead, but it still shows that fights against coordinated survivor teams or even just from well-experienced players make the game a bit too one-sided. With the meta of the game right now, the slow movement speed of killers are easily exploited and outclassed by the clear advantages of survivors. Though killers have their own sets of abilities to tip the scales in their favor, it still feels like they are too underpowered for their own good.

Other issues also grate, particularly the fact that at every turn the survivors get second chances, from needing to be hit twice, to (potentially) wriggling free of your grasp when carrying them to a more advantageous spot, to the speed at which the survivors can free others from the meathooks you hang them on to kill them. Visually, it can often appear very muddy and washed out, which isn’t great for spotting or tracking targets (if you’re looking for someone who’s been downed you can forget it).

The progression system in the game could use a little more work as well. Akin to the system in place for Payday, players get some xp and perks after every match, like a slight, but permanent, boost to move speed, but it isn’t so much that it will help a lot in the long run. It’s pretty shallow at the moment but, of course, this could change in the future. The game is great overall and the sense of dread is authentically amazing that you’ll be able to dismiss some of the glaring problems at its core for quite some time. Given a bit more time to develop, this could turn out to be a good staple of gaming like the Left 4 Dead series. Here’s to hoping.

Redeem Codes: Is it Worth it?

So, should you buy it? It’s great but not great enough for you to blow your money on PC redeem code or Xbox redeem code right this instant. It’s more worth it if you just wait for a sale.

Difficult Steam Keys for your Steam Account – Part 2

Continued from Part 1!

Steam Keys: The Five Games Continued


Ikaruga can be defined in two simple words: Bullet Hell. Games in these genres are maddeningly difficult due to the incessant amount of “bullets” flying around your screen as you attempt to avoid them and shoot down enemies in return. There are tons of other games on Steam under this genre, like Jamestown, but Ikaruga sets itself apart from the others with its notorious difficulty and steep learning curve.

Action, Adventure, Bullet Hell, Online Game, Opinion, Overview, Platforming, Point and Click, Puzzle, Retro, RPG, Steam Account, Steam Keys, Tips 2

Bullet Hells are easy to get the hang of eventually, but Ikaruga’s twist is going to ensure that that is not going to happen with you any time soon. All bullets are either black or white and your ship can switch between black and white. Only bullets of the opposite color can destroy your ship, e.g. you can tank white bullets if your ship is white.  In addition, hitting enemies with the opposite color inflicts double damage.

It’s… overwhelming. Give it a try and you’ll get a run for your money.

Super Meat Boy

This game. This freaking game. Super Meat Boy has been the poster child for difficult games for a while now. It starts off simple enough but quickly ramps up the frustration to insane levels, so much so that you can find videos on YouTube of people  suffering through the game while screaming their heads off in rage. Yet even so, it’s all strangely addicting.

The fun of Super Meat Boy really comes down to two simple things: 1) the movement is slick and responsive so you know that every mistake was truly your own fault, and 2) the respawn after death is instant, which leaves no time for you to even consider quitting. Success is always just within reach, making it that much more infuriating when you fail.

But it’s a good kind of fury – the kind that floods your veins with endorphins when you finally succeed. And that’s why we play games like this, isn’t it?

Dark Souls

This is the game that revitalized the wonders of the idea of an extremely difficult game. It’s Dark Souls! Which game? Take your pick; there are a couple lying around on Steam that you could buy for a steal. Wait for a flash sale or maybe the next big sale to get them. You certainly will not be disappointed.

If you’ve no idea how this game plays as, think of Monster Hunter meets Warhammer; a vestige of high, dark fantasy that’s been near non-existent in modern times with a dead simple control system. Fight gigantic monsters, undead humans, and a whole bunch of other stuff in this medieval, post-apocalyptic world. Every encounter, even with just grunts, can be an absolutely brutal experience. Dark Souls isn’t the first in its name though as it is only the spiritual successor of the game, Demons’ Souls released on the Playstation 3, though both are still from the same developer, Fromsoftware.

Don’t mind the accusations of overhyping; the Steam keys are damned well worth the price tag. Which Dark Souls? Take your pick; you won’t be disappointed.


10 Bundles to Get in the Steam Summer Sale Part 2 – Redeem Code

The continuation of our 10 Bundles guide for the Steam Summer Sale!

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6. Assassin’s Creed Bundle Redeem Code

Ubisoft is Ubisoft; sometimes they’re evil and other times… they’re as evil as EA. But the Assassin’s Creed franchise is undeniably one of the best IPs in modern gaming. These games don’t always go on sale, so if you get a chance or are even remotely interested in picking up the series, I suggest that you go for the Assassin’s Creed bundle that goes for a meager $62.96 considering the amount of content in it. Don’t worry; Unity’s mostly fixed now, so go nuts and get to know the assassins of yore through this redeem code.

7. Serious Sam Franchise Redeem Codes

Like, holy crap, $10 for the Serious Sam complete pack. Serious Sam is a solid FPS classic that should not be ignored by the shooter aficionado. Furious first-person shooting, relatively fast paced movement, and tons of crazy enemies make this IP old but still gold. This bundle has EVERYTHING you would possibly ever want or need from the Serious Sam franchise. With a jaw-dropping 90% discount, I’m not even sure why you still even want to mull over if you are buying this classic or not.

8. Borderlands Steam Keys!

Borderlands. Enough said. Also, redeem code.

The most awesome shoot-and-loot franchise is on a nutter sale at just $21.53. The Borderlands triple pack consists of the original Borderlands and its DLC, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Tales from the Borderlands, Action, Adventure, Interactive game, overview, Platforming, Point and Click, puzzle, review, RPG, steam cd key, steam codes, steam keys, tips 1

What’s even crazier than that? The Borderlands “Take over your life” bundle offers all of those above but has the addition of the Tales from the Borderlands from Telltale games. Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones – ring any bells? Yes, the solidly fantastic story driven Tales game rounds up your Borderlands experience nicely with only an increased cost of $4.67. In my opinion, it’s the latter that’s more worth it. Tons of content and many different games; can’t go wrong here.

9. Telltale Bundle Redeem Codes

Like I mentioned earlier, Telltale is just amazing at story telling. Don’t like the rest of the Borderlands series but like the storybook gameplay of Tales from the Borderlands? Well, you can skip all that and just get the Telltale bundle redeem code that has all the Telltale classics and modern gems to sate your story pangs.

This bundle isn’t exactly cheap as it’s going for the price of $82.84, but with the crapton of games in it, you will absolutely get your money’s worth – I guarantee it.

10. Homeworld bundle Steam Redeem Code

Okay, this final bundle doesn’t include games with 70-plus percent discounts or massive packaged savings. But Homeworld Remastered and Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak redeem codes are both stellar RTS games worthy of rebooting the legendary PC-centric Homeworld series, and if you buy them as a bundle, Gearbox will knock another 10 percent off the top of the 50 percent discounts being applied to both games. Both can be yours for $38.23 total—a meager price for some top-shelf strategy action. (If you’re looking for even more fine RTS gameplay, Ashes of the Singularity is on sale for 50 percent off during the Summer Sale, too.)

And that’s it! Happy redeem code hunting, everybody!