No Such Thing as A Free Meal (Redeem Code)

Free PSN redeem codes or any other kind of free redeem code simply does not exist. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about: “PSN Redeem Code generator” or “XBox Live Codes for free!” Yeah, those kinds of things.

All of these are nothing but scams. Most of the time, these kinds of sites will trick you into giving up your personal information or automatically subscribing you to some useless SMS scam. You’ll then suddenly find out that you either have a lot of bills to pay or your credit card’s been hijacked. Don’t be fooled by these.

The Redeem Code Rip Off

To give an example, the image below shows what a typical scam site of a “redeem code generator” looks like:

redeem code, psn redeem codes, scam

It’s natural that we’d first be suspicious of the site, so we tend to look at them closer. You’ll most often find “certified” marks on their page that are clearly visible and/or claims that they’ve been voted or rated highly by some internet website that you also don’t know. There are even ratings for the particular item you’re looking for even though there’s no real way to rate it for yourself.

All of these are just images posted on the site to make it look legit and lull you into a false sense of security. When you do decide to “generate” a code, they’ll most likely require you to share the page with a number of folks on your social media. You’ll then just be spreading the plague.

After a bunch of other steps, they’ll make you take stupid surveys before finally asking for your personal information. The most popular one they ask you for is your mobile phone number, which they will then use to subscribe to expensive apps and other subscriptions that will be of no use to you. It goes without saying that you should NEVER give your CC information to any of these sites. If you do that, then GG, you’re screwed. Cancel your credit card immediately and inform the bank of what happened. They’ll get things sorted out, but it’ll cause a huge hassle for you.

Remember, there are no such things as free redeem codes; there are only cheap ones. If you do ever need anything from PSN redeem codes to Xbox Live subs that are legit, fast, and, most importantly, safe, head off to trusted marketplaces rather than succumbing to these scams.


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