Continued from 10 Games to get in the Steam Summer Sale
This is our continuation of our Top 10 games to get during the Steam Summer Sale of 2016. We’re going to make sure you get the most band for your buck on Steam redeem code purchases.
3. Crypt of the Necrodancer Redeem Code
Crypt of the Necrodancer is an oddball of a game that fuses together two unlikely genres: roguelikes and rhythm games. It’s very reminiscent of the older Zelda games where dungeons are just filled with baddies you have to whack, but can only do so when following a musical rhythm. Heck, this can even be played with dance pads ala Dance Dance Revolution. It’s stupidly good fun.
4. Grim Fandango Remastered Redeem Codes
While it didn’t do so well during its release, it has become a cult classic and a classic in general in the gaming industry, Grim Fandango is quite possibly the greatest old-school adventure game ever created. Damn fine humor, dry wit, and creative puzzles line this classic’s CV, with a host of very colorful, and likable, characters to boot. For a mere $3.74 on the Steam store this summer sale, the only two reason you wouldn’t get this game is because either you already have it, or you simply don’t like having fun. This is most definitely a sure redeem code to purchase.
5. Door Kickers Steam Redeem Code
Door Kickers is a game that pays great homage to the classic top-down strategy games of an era gone by. Put into the role of a SWAT commander, Door Kickers lets you command a small SWAT team that handle tactical interventions that vary from the common, domestic criminal to full on terrorists. Bad guys are basically in a structure that you have to get into, pacify the hostiles, and achieve whatever it is you have to in a specific mission. Your SWAT team has everything they need for combat; it’s up to you to give them the best approach to the situation. If you like tactical games, then you certainly shouldn’t pass up on the $2.99 redeem code price tag of Door Kickers during the sale.
6. Invisible Inc. Steam Keys
Going for $6.79, Invisible Inc. is another fantastic strategy game akin to certain elements of XCOM, Metal Gear, and roguelike games where the difficulty, punishment, and need for strategy are very real. I daresay that Invisible Inc. may be the Dark Souls of the strategy genre. Much like Door Kickers, you’re in command of a team but, this time, made up of secret agents that attempt to gather resources, intelligence, and counter an enemy that drove them out of their headquarters. This is an absolute steal and you simply must get it. If you aren’t one for strategy games, I assure you, this game will change your mind about them.