Again, like what I said in my last article, it is really against my will to compare Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch. They both only deserve love because how good they are, in their own rights. Sad to say, they share a demographic, the First Person Shooter players. If it is humanly possible to play two games at a same time, I would have with Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch. Since I am really swept by the Overwatch hype train, I am off the TF2 market. You might ask why I switched to Overwatch? Find out here!
TF2 Market, One Reason to Say Goodbye
Overwatch is better in so many ways than Team Fortress 2. Again, what I am saying is they are both good but Overwatch has and is just satisfying me more. I never and will never say Team Fortress 2 is bad.
First and foremost, Overwatch has greater graphics. Yeah, I know. Graphics is not the basis of a better game and Team Fortress 2 is way older than Overwatch, obviously. Still, without any release of Team Fortress 3, Team Fortress 2 should have been updated on its graphics if it still wants to compete to the new first person shooters coming out right now e.g. Overwatch. With the lack of effort from Valve, maybe expecting Team Fortress 2 players to exercise their loyalty to the game, they didn’t update Team Fortress 2’s graphics. Maybe it is because it will affect the game or that is how TF2 and don’t need to change it? Whatever reason Valve may have, Overwatch still has a better graphics than Team Fortress 2. So should be expected from Blizzard. One is that they have insane technology on animated shorts, cut scenes. Glad they have applied it in the game itself not like that grandpa MMORPG they became famous for *ehem WoW* where they have a hard time updating the in-game graphics while the cinematics and scenes are just insanely lifelike.
There are many more things Overwatch overpowered Team Fortress 2 in my head so please do stay tune for those. Trade TF2 for Overwatch obviously for me.