One of the most awaited MMORPG in the world – Tree of Savior. The game has finally come internationally with steam as its platform and Nexon as its publisher. It’s easy to get into this game via your Steam account.
The game has so much hype that players overlooked the flaws of the game.
This article is not meant to bash tree of savior. In fact, some part of it is meant to bash tree of savior, but also to emphasize the good sides of the game. Do not take this article wrong. It is simply an honest review of TOS.
Steam Account Value – TOS’ Exclusive Access: Pay to Win
We have no leads yet on what will become of TOS in the future. However, there is an ominous factor that threatens tree of savior – its publisher – Nexon.
Nexon is a well known publisher for converting good MMORPG to trash MMORPG. Before being able to play competitively, they are going to milk tons of money from players, which becomes a competition of real life wealth than in-game skills. It is pay to win. If you have no money, get lost. If you have money to throw, you are welcome.
Steam Account Value – TOS’ Exclusive Access: the Grind
This is a game where you can truly say “the grind is real.” Tree of savior has no level limit. Wait. There is a level limit. It is level 1000. You heard it right. Level 1000. In the close beta, grinding from level 1 to 50 is hell. Now, imagine grinding from level 1 to 1000.
But wait there is more! Since pitiful tree of savior is under the hands of joker Nexon, expect that you have to buy something in order to grind efficiently. Without it, it is going to take you years.
Steam Account Value – TOS’ Exclusive Access: the Joke
It is said to be that tree of savior has over 80 classes, which sounds amazing at first, while, in fact, upon transcending a class, the class only gives 2 or 4 new skills.
Discuss what you think about tree of savior with players with high steam account value who are hyped with the game!