TF2 Trading: Changes Continued

Last time I shared to you guys the changes made to the first three classes (Scout, Soldier and Sniper) in Team Fortress 2. These changes and balances were made in accordance with the new competitive mode and the new quick play mode. Good thing that Valve made these changes so that Team Fortress 2 will at least become a little fresher than the usual. This might make TF2 Trading a little more active as well, who knows?

TF2 Trading: Heavy, Spy and Pyro Changes

Again, this is from a nice poster from Reddit:


Natascha and Brass Beast

20% damage resistance now only applies when spun up and below 50% max health

Huo-Long Heater

Added -10% damage

Added +25% increased damage vs. burning players

Reduced ammo drain to -4/sec (from -6)

Reduced pulse damage from Ring of Fire to 12 (from 15) due to increased damage vs. burning

Buffalo Steak Sandvich

Fixed “damage taken” multiplier accidentally being +10%, instead of the listed +25%



Max speed increased to 320 (from 300)


Attacks pierce resist and absorb effects from all sources


All Flamethrowers

Added: Direct damage reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects by 25%

Medics hear a “healing interrupted” sound when this is happening to their heal target

The Manmelter

Removed (hidden) 20% fire rate penalty

TF2, Team Fortress 2, TF2 Trading, TF2 Items

With the balances and changes, players will have to play differently which is a good thing. Team Fortress might be old but these little patches can bring a whole new ballgame to Team Fortress 2. I saw some people comment that it’s a miracle that there’s a new patch which is true. They are happy that there is but they also don’t want to overhype it because there is nothing to be hyped about. Well, at least there’s a chance that there will be more TF2 Items available in the store! We will continue next time for the last three class changes!

Difficult Steam Keys for your Steam Account – Part 2

Continued from Part 1!

Steam Keys: The Five Games Continued


Ikaruga can be defined in two simple words: Bullet Hell. Games in these genres are maddeningly difficult due to the incessant amount of “bullets” flying around your screen as you attempt to avoid them and shoot down enemies in return. There are tons of other games on Steam under this genre, like Jamestown, but Ikaruga sets itself apart from the others with its notorious difficulty and steep learning curve.

Action, Adventure, Bullet Hell, Online Game, Opinion, Overview, Platforming, Point and Click, Puzzle, Retro, RPG, Steam Account, Steam Keys, Tips 2

Bullet Hells are easy to get the hang of eventually, but Ikaruga’s twist is going to ensure that that is not going to happen with you any time soon. All bullets are either black or white and your ship can switch between black and white. Only bullets of the opposite color can destroy your ship, e.g. you can tank white bullets if your ship is white.  In addition, hitting enemies with the opposite color inflicts double damage.

It’s… overwhelming. Give it a try and you’ll get a run for your money.

Super Meat Boy

This game. This freaking game. Super Meat Boy has been the poster child for difficult games for a while now. It starts off simple enough but quickly ramps up the frustration to insane levels, so much so that you can find videos on YouTube of people  suffering through the game while screaming their heads off in rage. Yet even so, it’s all strangely addicting.

The fun of Super Meat Boy really comes down to two simple things: 1) the movement is slick and responsive so you know that every mistake was truly your own fault, and 2) the respawn after death is instant, which leaves no time for you to even consider quitting. Success is always just within reach, making it that much more infuriating when you fail.

But it’s a good kind of fury – the kind that floods your veins with endorphins when you finally succeed. And that’s why we play games like this, isn’t it?

Dark Souls

This is the game that revitalized the wonders of the idea of an extremely difficult game. It’s Dark Souls! Which game? Take your pick; there are a couple lying around on Steam that you could buy for a steal. Wait for a flash sale or maybe the next big sale to get them. You certainly will not be disappointed.

If you’ve no idea how this game plays as, think of Monster Hunter meets Warhammer; a vestige of high, dark fantasy that’s been near non-existent in modern times with a dead simple control system. Fight gigantic monsters, undead humans, and a whole bunch of other stuff in this medieval, post-apocalyptic world. Every encounter, even with just grunts, can be an absolutely brutal experience. Dark Souls isn’t the first in its name though as it is only the spiritual successor of the game, Demons’ Souls released on the Playstation 3, though both are still from the same developer, Fromsoftware.

Don’t mind the accusations of overhyping; the Steam keys are damned well worth the price tag. Which Dark Souls? Take your pick; you won’t be disappointed.


TF2 Market: Do You Know This Already?

We all have that favorite role in Team Fortress 2. We prefer this certain class more than the other classes in the game because we are so comfortable playing with that role therefore we perform best. I assume that most Team Fortress 2 players don’t know the every detail of the changes in the new big update for their classes like they do not know the trend in the TF2 Market. Do not worry, we will cover them here!


TF2 Market: Class Changes for Scout, Soldier and Sniper

With the help of a good Samaritan in Reddit, we got the changes for Scout, Soldier and Sniper. We will cover the rest of the lineup on the next write-up.

TF2 Market, Trade TF2



Added Marked-for-Death debuff for 2 seconds after the buff effect expires

The Soda Popper

Added “On hit: build Hype”

Removed “build hype by running around”


Added an Alt-fire attack — reach out and shove someone!

Removed +healing bonus

Reduced pushback vuln to +20% (from +40%)

Sun on a stick

Take 25% less damage from fire while deployed


The Righteous Bison

Fixed a bug causing players to be hit by the same projectile multiple times, causing the damage dealt to vary wildly

Per-shot damage has been increased to compensate, resulting in slightly more damage on average

Point-blank deals 54 damage (previously 20-80)

Maximum range deals 24 damage (previously 14-56)

Slowed projectile by 30%

Projectile damage reduced by 25% for each enemy penetrated

Updated projectile impact sound

The Disciplinary Action

Reduced duration of speed bonus on teammates to 2 seconds (from 3)

The Rocket Jumper

Updated model/materials and sound


Cozy Camper

Now requires a full charge to gain flinch resistance

The Sydney Sleeper

When fully charged, or when making a headshot, now applies Jarate in a radius

Scoped shots now extinguish teammates

The Cleaner’s Carbine

Removed hidden +10% damage taken multiplier while under the effects

The thought to trade TF2 for another game shouldn’t cross your mind because these changes brings a new excitement to the game. Look forward for the rest of the changes in my next post!

TF2 Trading: Desperate Time, Desperate Measure?

Overwatch is beating the crap out of Team Fortress 2 in every aspect there is. Of course, some people might disagree but hey, truth hurts. Team Fortress 2 might have let the whole market take over them because they were, yes, were, on top of the FPS market for some time and might got a little too overconfident. Well, Blizzard saw that window and thus Overwatch. We might say Valve and TF2 is done for but TF2 trading some more blows and get a second wind, which I still doubt.

TF2 Trading: Competitive

So yeah, Team Fortress 2 finally thought of putting competitive mode in the game. Is it because they realized it through Overwatch? Or was this a long plan and they just put it now because of all the hype Overwatch is getting? Nevertheless, here is the video:




Ever since the first dolphins crawled out of the ocean, they’ve longed to pick a fight with the fat, banana-eating apes over by the trees. And now they can, in a structured dolphin-safe environment.

Introducing Competitive Mode, a ranked 6v6 game mode featuring all nine TF classes. Climb the comp mode ranks to earn up to 18 titles and badges. Track all of your match and ongoing stats in-game. You can even earn stat medals by scoring in the top percentile of all players in your rank.




Matchmaking is also changing the way TF2 can be played casually. Now, instead of jumping randomly into an in-progress game, you’ll be matched into an unranked 12v12 game with players of similar skill. This means no more auto-balancing—you’ll be playing a match from start to finish, with actual winners and actual losers. 

We’ve also introduced a leveling stat: the more you play, the more you level up, and you can accelerate your leveling by earning points in-game. Have friends? Play on the same team every time simply by inviting them to your party.

TF2 Trading, TF2 Items

These information came from the Team Fortress 2 website. If you haven’t played Overwatch, this seems like a desperate move of Valve and without the capacity of creativity, they just copied what is in Overwatch right now. I don’t think “Overwatch just copied TF2” won’t work anymore because clearly, TF2 is the copycat on this one. Also even if there are more TF2 items, free or not, it won’t save the dying game anymore. Good try though, Team Fortress 2.


TF2 Market: Pyro In Us

On one of my articles, I said that Overwatch did a great job in creating characters with their own personalities and characteristics. Team Fortress 2 actually was kind of the first who did it in an FPS MMO setting. The different classes have different attitudes, mannerisms, etc. thus made them attractive in their genre which became a great TF2 Market.

TF2 Market: Great Analysis

There’s a fresh post in Reddit that is a great analysis on how we are all relatable to the TF2 characters especially the Pyro:

In Team Fortress 2, the nine classes are distinct characters, all with unique personalities and features. However, one of them is an exception: the Pyro. The Pyro wears a full-body suit that masks their every feature and muffles their voice. The only character trait we’re given is that the Pyro sees a very different world than we do. Instead of the violence, murder, and insanity, they see a world of rainbows, candy, and little cherubs. There’s no death in Pyroland, only happiness.

Furthermore, the Pyrovision Goggles item show that Pyroland might not be the product of insanity, but a half-virtual reality that transforms everything they see into something out of a children’s cartoon.

That’s because the Pyro represents the players.

Think about it. As players, we’re murdering people. We think it’s okay because they’re not real, because no one actually dies, but that still doesn’t change the fact that we’re virtually killing people for fun. It’s not a life-or-death battle to us, just something that we all share and enjoy. Not only that, but we even laugh at it; the comics and videos make death and brutality funny. We laugh at these grizzled mercenaries because they accidentally killed themselves, or had a fatal accident.

Furthermore, the Pyro was shown to be a very successful businessman, but would much rather be fighting, and lose himself in Pyroland. Just like how we can be successful in real life, but prefer to lose ourselves in video games filled with death and carnage.

TL;DR: The Pyro is an insane maniac because they represent us players. When we play Team Fortress 2, we’re not seeing it as it is, a horrific unending tale of violence and death, but a fun game to play. We enjoy the game, and we laugh at the comics and videos, all the while ignoring the fact that we’re enjoying virtual murder.

TF2 Market, Trade TF2

Pretty deep and relatable, right? This is one reason I won’t easily trade TF2 for any game (Overwatch is a complete exemption though, lol) because we can get deep stuff like this aside from enjoying the game.

TF2 Trading Some Great Moments

Overwatch has “Play of the Game” feature every end of the game to let everyone see the most awesome play of the match (well not always). Some of your amazing and game changing plays won’t necessarily get to be chosen as the play of the game but get to be saved in the highlights section in the main menu. This is definitely a thumbs up on Overwatch as they credit great plays in a match. Unfortunately, Team Fortress 2 doesn’t have that. If you don’t record the entirety of your game, you can’t really predict when to record that pro move of yours. Sad, I hope Team Fortress 2 had that kind of feature as well and maybe you can post it in some TF2 Trading thread.

tf2 trading, tf2 items

TF2 Trading: The Very Least

So, without the Play of the Game feature in Team Fortress 2, I thought to myself, “how can we share our great moments in TF2?” without having to record the entirety of our gaming hours. Not to mention it will eat up all our disk space if we do that. Apparently, someone already made a post in Reddit asking people on some awesome plays or moments in Team Fortress 2:

What’s your most memorable TF2 experience, that you’ll probably look back on 10+ years from now

Mine is the time I first dominated this regular on this harvest server I frequent. He’s a beast, and is infamous on the server for being really good. Of course, I’d always get dommed by him, and after a while, I’d planned to get revenge.

So, one day, I rallied the entire team, and, as a pocket medic, I worked to support our 5 soldiers in an attempt to get a domination on him.

It look about an hour and a half, but finally, I healed a soldier who got a third consecutive kill on him, and finally…


It was the first and last domination we’ll ever get. The kick was when he said in chat

“Your still trash tho”

I still go to that server


You can comment your amazing moments here as well, but it would be more awesome if we have some kind of video to back them up. You know what they say, “Pics (or vids) or it didn’t happen.” Well at least we get to share our moments here. Maybe we can choose the most wonderful moment and give out some TF2 Items? Looking forward reading your moments, everyone!

10 Bundles to Get in the Steam Summer Sale Part 2 – Redeem Code

The continuation of our 10 Bundles guide for the Steam Summer Sale!

Action, Adventure, Interactive game, overview, Platforming, Point and Click, puzzle, review, RPG, steam cd key, steam codes, steam keys, tips 2

6. Assassin’s Creed Bundle Redeem Code

Ubisoft is Ubisoft; sometimes they’re evil and other times… they’re as evil as EA. But the Assassin’s Creed franchise is undeniably one of the best IPs in modern gaming. These games don’t always go on sale, so if you get a chance or are even remotely interested in picking up the series, I suggest that you go for the Assassin’s Creed bundle that goes for a meager $62.96 considering the amount of content in it. Don’t worry; Unity’s mostly fixed now, so go nuts and get to know the assassins of yore through this redeem code.

7. Serious Sam Franchise Redeem Codes

Like, holy crap, $10 for the Serious Sam complete pack. Serious Sam is a solid FPS classic that should not be ignored by the shooter aficionado. Furious first-person shooting, relatively fast paced movement, and tons of crazy enemies make this IP old but still gold. This bundle has EVERYTHING you would possibly ever want or need from the Serious Sam franchise. With a jaw-dropping 90% discount, I’m not even sure why you still even want to mull over if you are buying this classic or not.

8. Borderlands Steam Keys!

Borderlands. Enough said. Also, redeem code.

The most awesome shoot-and-loot franchise is on a nutter sale at just $21.53. The Borderlands triple pack consists of the original Borderlands and its DLC, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Tales from the Borderlands, Action, Adventure, Interactive game, overview, Platforming, Point and Click, puzzle, review, RPG, steam cd key, steam codes, steam keys, tips 1

What’s even crazier than that? The Borderlands “Take over your life” bundle offers all of those above but has the addition of the Tales from the Borderlands from Telltale games. Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones – ring any bells? Yes, the solidly fantastic story driven Tales game rounds up your Borderlands experience nicely with only an increased cost of $4.67. In my opinion, it’s the latter that’s more worth it. Tons of content and many different games; can’t go wrong here.

9. Telltale Bundle Redeem Codes

Like I mentioned earlier, Telltale is just amazing at story telling. Don’t like the rest of the Borderlands series but like the storybook gameplay of Tales from the Borderlands? Well, you can skip all that and just get the Telltale bundle redeem code that has all the Telltale classics and modern gems to sate your story pangs.

This bundle isn’t exactly cheap as it’s going for the price of $82.84, but with the crapton of games in it, you will absolutely get your money’s worth – I guarantee it.

10. Homeworld bundle Steam Redeem Code

Okay, this final bundle doesn’t include games with 70-plus percent discounts or massive packaged savings. But Homeworld Remastered and Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak redeem codes are both stellar RTS games worthy of rebooting the legendary PC-centric Homeworld series, and if you buy them as a bundle, Gearbox will knock another 10 percent off the top of the 50 percent discounts being applied to both games. Both can be yours for $38.23 total—a meager price for some top-shelf strategy action. (If you’re looking for even more fine RTS gameplay, Ashes of the Singularity is on sale for 50 percent off during the Summer Sale, too.)

And that’s it! Happy redeem code hunting, everybody!

10 Bundles to Get in the Steam Summer Sale Part 1 – Steam Keys

The Steam Summer Sale; a legendary event for gamers all over the world to obtain treasured copies of amazing games at the lowest of prices. Many might have felt turned off over the fact that Valve shied away from Daily Deals and Flash Sales during the Summer Sale as a whole, instead opting for a “what you see is what you get” approach, but it still doesn’t take away from the fact that Steam is the place you’ll only ever find amazing deals on AAA games and their Steam codes.

Action, Adventure, Interactive Game, Overview, Platforming, Point and Click, Puzzle, Review, RPG, Steam CD Key, Steam Codes, Steam Keys, Tips, Witcher, Deus Ex, Hotline Miami 2

With that said, to increase your chances of getting the best deals and your money’s worth, we hunted down 10 game bundles that you’ll absolutely love to have. Some of these can be so ridiculous that it might not seem real – but believe us;  they’re as real as real can be!

Action, Adventure, Interactive Game, Overview, Platforming, Point and Click, Puzzle, Review, RPG, Steam CD Key, Steam Codes, Steam Keys, Tips, Witcher, Deus Ex, Hotline Miami 1

Just as an addendum, these bundles will even discount from the price if you already have a game’s Steam keys found in the bundle. The amount you pay will be even LESS than what it already is. Now, take a gander and get to buying because the sale ends on the 4th of July!

10 Bundles and Their Steam Keys

1. Deus Ex bundle Steam Keys

Made up of the original Deus Ex, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Deus Ex: The Fall, the entirety of the Deus Ex bundle is crazily amazing that it hasn’t let up as a strong seller this Summer Sale. This is Deus Ex: One of the best franchises to ever grace the gaming landscape and it’s going for the extremely low price of $8.24. How is this something you are not buying yet? If anything, this is the best time to purchase the franchise if you haven’t gotten into it yet as the next Deus Ex game, Mankind Divided, is coming out in August. Get to know it, now!

2. The Witcher Trilogy Bundle Steam CD Key

The Witcher. Enough said. Well, maybe there’s a bit more to say about it. The original Witcher wasn’t exactly a groundbreaking release from the relatively unknown CD Projekt Red at the time, but it slowly became a household name one Witcher 2 came around, and the finally solidified itself upon the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Made by an obscure Polish developer, an new IP, and basically a world we’re all not used to, it’s amazing how the Witcher pulled itself through the muck of the unknown and made itself one of the best franchises the world has ever known. If you haven’t caught up with the story of the past game or are interested to get into the world of the Witcher, The Witcher trilogy Steam CD key goes for a meager $26.52 compared to purchasing Wild Hunt alone for $40. Not to mention that there’s this $20 deal for the Witcher 3’s amazing DLC, Blood and Wine, so it’s definitely a no brainer to buy the bundle.

3. Turn-based Strategy Bundle Steam Codes

Steam has also packaged similar games together to create themed bundles around specific genres. Most slip in a full-priced game or two and the occasional stinker, but a couple stand out from the crowd.

The $39.82 turn-based strategy bundle, which includes The Banner Saga, Invisible Inc., Hard West, Gremlins Inc., and Thea: The Awakening. That’s a great lineup, and you’ll save 10 percent more than if you purchased the games separately.

4. JRPG bundle Steam Keys

This is a similar bundle for Japanese RPG fans, with Valkyria Chronicles, Tales of Zestria, Disgaea PC, Agarest: Generations of War, and Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 collectively selling for $42.88. Valkyria Chronicles alone makes this a worthwhile bundle due to its status as a modern classic. Throw in there the raunchy Agarest and Hyperdimension Neptunia, along with another modern classic in the form of Disgaea, it’s really hard to go wrong with this.

5. Hotline Miami combo pack Steam CD Key

Hotline Miami is a glorious, pulsing, neon-dripping homage to over the top violence, decked out in retro aesthetics. The mix of brutal, fast-paced action and intoxicating audiovisuals activates something in your monkey brain that compels you to play just… one… more… time—even if the story makes no damned sense.

During the Steam Summer Sale, the Hotline Miami combo pack offers bothHotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2 for just $5. There’s no extra bundle discount in play, but for $5 for two great games, who cares?