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Overwatch Review Part 2 – Be A Hero! – Xbox Redeem Code

Click here for the previous part, Overwatch Review Part 1 – Steam Codes.

Being a Hero and the Balance in Overwatch! – Redeem Codes for Your Xbox One and PS4

The true crème de la crème of Overwatch is in its gorgeous lore and tantalizing plethora of heroes. With all the marketing of Overwatch, it’s kind of hard to say that you don’t know Tracer or Widowmaker, two heroes with the most screentime. But the other characters in Overwatch are fantastically made as well, evoking a great sense of interest upon seeing them. A notable example would be D.Va, a robot mech controller that uses her mech as both a tank or an offensive powerhouse to decimate the opposing team. Another two would be the brothers made famous by the animated short, Dragons, Hanzo and Genji. Hanzo, the archer, acts like a heavy duty sniper that provides amazing covering fire for his allies, the ability to scale walls, and control the flow of combat overall. Genji, on the other hand, is a swift, close quarters combatant that can decimate nearly any other hero with a strike from his sword and a very awesome ability to reflect most incoming projectiles. And I do emphasize the word swift.

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But let’s not get bogged down in only the offensive heroes. Tanks and support have a greater role in the concept of team-based shooters here in Overwatch. D.Va was already mentioned and counts as a tank, but a better example of a true blooded tank would be Reinhardt that has a limited melee attack but sports a massive and movable plasma shield that serves as mobile cover for his allies, not to mention also being obscenely tough on his own. Mercy, the most popular support character, can switch her weapon to either healing or damage boost, depending on the situation, and can resurrect allies within her vicinity with her ultimate skill.

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Quite frankly, It’s been quite some time since I’ve encountered an arena game that have all characters balanced right off the bat. Remember that Overwatch is still in its launch week and folks still haven’t found any glaring defects concerning the balance between characters. While there are some heroes that seem to have stark advantages over others, like between Tracer and McCree, remember that all characters have their own roles and that a specific character might not be within the purview of your personal playstyle. Tracer is played more as an assassin and excels in subterfuge rather than direct and active conflict. McCree is a mid-ranged combatant that excels at eliminating opponents the fastest way possible. You can’t really play McCree like Tracer that zips all across the battlefield in the blink of an eye expecting to elude the enemy front liners without getting shot at. In the same way, you can’t really play Tracer like McCree where she can take on opponents head on. She’ll just end up getting one-shotted.

The variation of style and uniqueness in Overwatch’s heroes is amazingly well done. No matter who you are, whether you like shooters or not, almost every hero in the game’s roster will be appealing for you, especially moreso with them bursting at their seams with personality. The characters in Overwatch alone make it worth getting an Xbox redeem code, a PSN redeem code, or a PC redeem code.

Continue to the next part – Overwatch Review Part 3 – The Verdict – Steam Account

Overwatch Review Part 1 – Hype! – Steam Codes

Disclaimer! I am in no way a fan of shooters in general, much less FPS MOBAs or team based shooters like Overwatch and Team Fortress 2, or whatever you want to categorize them as. So this is going to be in the perspective of a gamer that does not at all hold any hype for the genre.

While there aren’t any Steam Codes for Overwatch, it’s still the most hyped game right now and isn’t slowing down at all. Now, even I, as I said earlier, am not a fan of shooters, but Overwatch has caught me hook, line, and sinker from the trailers and animated shorts alone. But, of course, I had my own share of healthy skepticism considering that the game had nothing past its MMO PvP-like arenas. I was attracted to the lore and the very existence of its characters, so why would a non-shooter gamer ever pick it up? Well, my curiosity and want to involve myself with the characters and Overwatch’s world was enough to spur me to buy the game. Again, it doesn’t have a Steam CD key, so that added to my initial reluctance as I only ever play Steam games. Hesitantly, I picked up the game a few days ago and I was even thinking that I was going to regret the purchase. I’m glad that I was wrong.

Steam Codes: The Core of Overwatch

Overwatch, at its beginning, assumes that you are a nub in all things shooter. This is true in my case and the brief tutorial, with the help of Athena, Overwatch’s own sentient computer, and the very lovely Tracer, ran me through the basics once more just to make sure I wouldn’t make a fool of myself in a real match. Blizzard really put a lot of thought into making the game accessible to every because this intention is extremely pronounced with how simple it is to understand how your hero works and how to do mechanics in a match. The best noob-friendly thing in the game is never running out of ammo. Yes, you do run out of ammo in your clip and will have to reload eventually, but you don’t need to go rummaging throughout the arena for clips if your reserves run low because, well, it’s infinite in Overwatch. You can’t ever run out of steam.

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After going through the extremely basic tutorial of Overwatch, I immediately headed into quick play mode where I found a match in no less that 5 seconds. There are tons of people playing this game right now, so there isn’t any issue in getting a match. Once in, the objectives are very clear, simple, and to the point. Every arena right now only has objective capturing and nothing else. While that does sound weak for a game this hyped, I assure you that it simply isn’t the case. There are 3 kinds of objective capturing in Overwatch; King of the Hill style, Base capturing, and Payload delivery. All these mechanics merely involve one of your team mates to stand in the highlighted area to capture it. A capture stops and becomes contested when a player of the opposing team steps into the area as well.

King of the hill is as simple as can be; capture the target area before the timer runs out and you win the game. Base capturing varies on the team you’re on. The attacking team, randomly chosen, needs to capture both base points in the arena before the timer runs out to win. The defending team, on the other hand, has to prevent these base points from the attacking team and, in order to win, has to run the clock to zero. Lastly, Payload delivery focuses on bringing a movable objective from point A to point B. This is true for the escorting team that has to remain by the side of the payload in order for it to move. The more players near a payload, the faster it will move. The defending team in this game has to stop the payload from reaching its destination. They can do this by, of course, wiping out the enemy team enough so that they don’t ever get to move the payload, and by moving the payload the opposite direction themselves simply by standing close to it or on top of it.

Overwatch, Steam keys, Steam Codes, Steam CD Key, FPS, MOBA, Online Multiplayer, Arena PvP 3

As you can see, while the mechanics may be inherently similar, the variation of this single objective capturing mechanic gives Overwatch a lot of flavor all on its own. With 12 varied maps with their own interesting twists, turns, and secret accessways, there’s really no end to the fun that can be had in Overwatch. Now if only it had Steam Keys, I’d much better prefer playing on Steam than on Battle.net…

Continue to the next part – Overwatch Review Part 2 – Be A Hero! – Redeem Codes

Redeem Code Corner: DCUO End Game

While DCUO doesn’t have much in the way of a nice early or mid game, comprised only of quest hubs filled to the brim with fetch and kill quests, with a neat little “episodic” type story for each, it’s end game is a stark difference. DCUO truly begins when you reach the proper level cap of 30. This is because gear progression is the biggest and best experience DCUO has to offer aside from the robust end game episodes of PvE and the blood-pumping action of PvP.

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Redeem Code: DCUO Gear Progression

Farming Marks of Victory will be your primary purpose of existence because these commendations enable you to purchase gear of higher combat rating. In turn, having a higher combat rating will enable you to have the ability to purchase Iconic sets with even higher combat rating from certain NPCs.

Surely, you could always just opt to try and get lucky with gear drops from solo challenges, duos, or 4 man dungeons. However, this can be difficult due to fickle RNG, rolling against other players in 4 mans, or just being downright unlucky with your personal loot drops. It’s entirely possible that, for your entire itinerary for the day, you actually get nothing useful to upgrade your Combat Rating. This has happened to me and has happened to at least 90% of DCUOs avid playerbase.

With the changes to purchasing gear costs, the price for these progression gear have all but increased when compared to DCUO’s incarnation back in its earlier years. A single piece, especially early-mid game gear of CR 70, can cost a huge amount of marks just to purchase a single piece. With a cap of 100 Marks of Victory, you can’t exactly earn a shit-ton in a period of time and then suddenly splurge right there and then.

Early in the end game, you won’t be able to find much to do for dailies for these marks due to the lack of stuff you can do. With everything gated behind a Combat Rating wall, the hardcore player will inevitably finish everything they can do in a day and still may not even be close to moving their CR due to bad drops.

Consolation to this is that, as you get stronger, you also unlock the right to play newer episodes in the DCUO story that is lifted from great and fantastic storylines like Blackest Night. It’s a great incentive for the DC fandom to keep on their progression, but may not be so much for regular MMO players.

Redeem Code: Tons of DCUO Tiers

Then again, with a crap ton of raids averaging 4 per tier (with 7 tiers), the progression raider fanatics out there will certainly have a lot to do. Remember that there isn’t a “catch up” mechanic in DCUO like there is in SWTOR or WoW, and you have to play ALL the tiers just to get to the current tier of 7. If anything, this should appeal to the hardcore WoW players that don’t like their hands being held.

Take what you will of this info, but it’s in my opinion that, while it’s not the greatest end game, DCUO knows how to keep their playerbase busy.

For more redeem codes and PSN redeem codes for DCUO, check out the marketplace for this. It’s the best place for any redeem code and other MMO related keys.

Steam Codes Guides: DCUO Speedster Racing Tips 1

Steam Codes: Racing in the DC World

Us DCUO fans know that the more feats (achievements) you obtain, the more skill points you have. What better way to make use of your time than to knock out the harder achievements early?

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The speedster races are, in my opinion, the hardest types of racing when compared to flying, acrobatics, and skimming. This is because of the inherent difficulty in properly controlling your movement. Make one wrong keypress and you’ll suddenly find yourself scaling the side of a wall on another building two blocks over from your intended area. It can be seriously that annoying.

Steam Codes Tips

Without further ado, below are a few tips to make your life easier when attempting to complete the Gotham and Metropolis super speed races:

  1. Important to your speed as a speedster is the skill called “Speed Force” obtainable upon reaching level 9. It isn’t necessary to complete all the races in Gotham and Metropolis, but it certainly is a huge advantage, especially if you’re trying to make up for a huge time deficit.
  2. Related to the first number, there are two Feats for you to obtain as a speedster that require you to have NO points invested in your movement ability tree. This means that you can’t have Speed Force and, therefore, cannot use it. You must achieve a Platinum score in an Expert race for one of the feats, and another Platinum must be achieved for an Adept race as the other. Like it was stated earlier, you can definitely finish ANY race without using Speed Force, there is just less room for error because you don’t have an insane speed-up option. It’s these feats that will teach you self-control and proper management of your speedster, as well as honing your reaction time and memorization.
  3. Patience! Most often than not, you’ll fail races that are adept level and higher for the first few times. Don’t be discouraged; it’s really meant to be that way. The only way to beat a tough course is if you know it like the back of your hand. Finish the course without the use of speed force for the first few times; get to know it well. Be familiar with everything like how to jump from a certain slope or when to stop at certain points, or pretty much any other technique you can develop to help you out on the track.

Continued on the next part.

If you enjoy DCUO and other action MMOs, you might want to check out tons of cheap Steam codes and Steam cd key at game marketplaces. You can even find great places to redeem Steam codes at this site for the lowest prices and the best deals.



Steam Keys Esports: A Quietly Competitive Japan

Since the early days of the the fighting game scene or any scene for that matter, Japan has dominated the rest of the world with their top tier reflexes, advanced gameplay tactics, and superior reads. However, at the dawn of Street Fighter V, a highly anticipated game by the competitive esports community, Capcom announced that there would be no arcades of the game. The company, instead, opted to focus on crane games as their physical arcade games. But this unprecedented event has Capcom exploring the possibilities, and profitability, of the online market by releasing their flagship game on PC.

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It’s relatively strange for a Japanese company to even release on PC due to their stance of extreme support for their console gaming industry, as well as being dissuaded by the dangers of piracy for games like Street Fighter. It’s progress.

Apparently envious of the success of MOBAs that have but a single and easily accessible platform, Street Fighter V is going on the same path. But this makes some people worry that the entire idea of “Japan Vs. The World” may become mere historical context all entirely.

Steam Keys: The Japanese Arcade Culture

Aside from the very Japanese trait of training till you can’t train anymore, the arcade culture of Japan is the biggest advantage it had over the rest of the world. Being able to compete in a tense and pressure-packed atmosphere, as well as exposure to all types of players and their diverse playstyles have enable Japanese players to do so well on the narrower-thinking world.

Without and arcade version of SFV, this advantage ceases to exist, with most challenges between players happening only online. This isn’t to throw shade at the concept of getting better at online match play, but there aren’t any stakes involved when combating another through net play. What sort of stakes, you ask? Well, the very idea that single 100 yen you put through the machine of course! That speaks volumes of what it feels like to be in an arcade; you don’t want your money wasted.

Surely, the prevalence of netplay in SFV will greatly make the game, and the genre, much more competitive and accessible to everybody else in the world. Secrets in Japanese gameplay will no longer remain secret. But this does foreshadow an end to an era.

Street Fighter V is now available online and at retail stores. For the best deals on Steam redeem code and cheap steam games, check out our Steam Keys section on PlayerAuctions.

Steam Codes Spotlight: Enter The Gungeon

Enter the Gungeon is a game in the form of classic Bullet Hells, but in dungeons! There haven’t been many to put two invariably separate genres together, especially considering that Bullet Hells are done in spacious, fast-paced, and linear stage tracks while Dungeoneering is especially more focused on quiet strategy and exploration of labyrinthine networks. Again, it really isn’t something people marry together, but it’s an interesting concept entirely.

Steam Codes Pick – Weaving Unlikeliness

You pick one of several characters that each have unique stats, weapon specialties, and abilities. But the best and greatest character in Enter the Gungeon is… wait for it…. the bullet. Yep, you heard it right folks; you can play as a bullet shooting bullets at other bullets that shoot bullets at other bullets. Bulletception. But the best part about this character is that he actually starts with, and I kid you not, a sword. Called Blasphemy. Cuz, you know, he’s a bullet using a sword. With every character being just as interesting or even more than the last, Enter the Gungeon has that one character everyone is going to love.

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The “Gungeon” itself, the playing field, is an ever-evolving landscape that have been meticulously designed and hand-drawn, but, at the same time, procedurally generating new rooms and landscapes based on the performance of players. While everyone starts out in the same area, the next few rooms will be different on how fast, how good, and what method you dispatched foes with in the previous areas. There’s no similar experience for each playthrough and things just get harder and harder. The game will easily pick up if you’re too good.

Steam Codes Pick – OMG STUFF!

Again, even though it’s bullet hell gameplay, the strongest dungeon element in this game is that there is actual progression, shops, currency, and equipment you have to manage, akin to old school dungeoneering games like Legend of Zelda or Alundra. With tons of hidden rooms and secret treasures, there’s just so much content to be had in Enter the Gungeon. What makes this ever more awesome is that there’s actual multiplayer that you can partake in. Unfortunately, you can only connect via LAN as the game does not support online at the moment.

The best part, however, is that Enter the Gungeon subscribes to the Diablo and Borderlands philosophy of HOLYCRAPLOTSOFLOOT. It’s undeniable that loot-based games have a powerful pull on our psyches. With hundreds upon hundreds of guns to be looted, bought, or stolen, Enter the Gungeon will keep you busy for hours on end with its amazing looting system.

Unleash everything from the tried and true medley of missiles, lasers, and cannonballs to the bizarrely effective volley of rainbows, fish, foam darts, and bees! Yep, bees.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up

Redeem Steam code or buy Steam Cd Key for Enter the Gungeon and tons of other bullet hell and/or dungeoneering games at PlayerAuctions.


Steam Keys Esports: Daigo & Co. Dropped by Mad Catz

It has recently come to light that Mad Catz is taking a different direction with its company and may drop top tier fighting gamers Daigo Umehara, Mago, Tokido, and others, who are top Street Fighter players in the world, from company sponsorship. Rumors have it that the company is in dire straits at the moment and is in need of all of its partitioned budgets to be focused on a solitary project.

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Steam Keys Esports: The Company’s Direction

Not only that, but Mad Catz has recently announced that it will be laying off 37% of its staff in order to support its new hierarchy. With another former Mad Catz sponsored fighting gamer, Poongko, signing off on DoTA’s Team Secret, the Mad Catz hullabaloo is just further being amplified.

Daigo Umehara, one of the most, if not the most, successful individual esports athlete has been sponsored by Mad Catz for an extremely long time. Along with his contemporaries, Tokido and Mago, they are only three of the Fighting game gods of Japan that will be without any financial backing if their contracts are not renewed. The players themselves have stated that their initial contracts will end or have ended this March of 2016 and are unsure of their future with the company.

Steam Keys Esports: The Future of the Mad Catz Gods

If worse comes to worst, they will be forced to part ways with Mad Catz, however there won’t be any real difficulty in finding some other to sponsor them. Like what was earlier stated with Poongko, many Moba esports teams have been opening their doors to professional fighting gamers and they may well be picked up by other prolific teams such as Evil Geniuses, Red Bull, Razer, or maybe even Invictus Gaming. There is no shortage of teams that are willing to sponsor three of the best Street Fighter players in the world, it’s all a matter of what they will choose.

It’s in my opinion that this is going to be a grave error that Mad Catz will regret in the near future if they do not renew the contracts of their players. While the company may be flogging at the moment, it’s been famed for sponsoring Daigo Umehara and his fellow gods, and would do itself a disservice in letting that distinction go. Nothing is set in stone at the moment, so we’ll wait for further developments on that front.

For more esports news, follow Steam Keys Esports column every week for news on the latest happening in the various scenes around the globe. Check out marketplaces for cheap Steam games and Steam redeem code to get in on the action in Mobas and Fighting Games.